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Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Let's face it. A comprehensive and effective anti-aging skincare routine is a great investment in the long run. But it comes with a few pretty pennies and trials and errors to get products that work for you. Luckily, there are a few tried-and-tested tips to getting your anti-aging skincare routine down pat. Here are a few that we swear by.

Moisture is a must!

As you get older, your skin loses some of its structure making it difficult to trap in moisture resulting in wrinkles and fine lines. So it is important to keep your skin hydrated by getting enough water and using products that help stimulate and trap moisture into your skin.

Pro-tip: Look for ingredients with elastin and collagen that'll help skin cells maintain your skin's structure.

We recommend Aqua Mineral's Juveness De-Wrinkle Cream with its patented Renovage™ that specifically targets wrinkles and blurs signs of aging.

The neck is also top-priority

Your neck is an extension of your face and experts say one of the first areas to show signs of aging the neck area. So we are here to tell you your neck needs some TLC too. Extend your skincare routine down to your neck area and you're good to go!

Pro-tip: Invest in a good neck cream so your neck can get some much-needed moisture.

We recommend Aqua Mineral's Defining Neck Cream with infused avocado and borage seed oils that help improve the texture and tone of the vulnerable neck area.

Say goodbye to undereye bags

The under-eye area is yet another delicate area of the skin that can age prematurely if not taken care of properly. So if you want a more youthful look, invest in a really good eye cream that gets rid of dark circles and puffiness as well as lift and brightens the under-eye area.

Pro-tip: Look for eye creams with elastin and collagen that help build and improve the cell structure of the skin.

We recommend Aqua Mineral's Puffiness Eraser made with the patented Eyeliss™ that works to tighten and smooth the skin around the eyes.


As your skin loses its structure with time, it's important to slow it down with ingredients that stimulate regrowth and strengthen your skin's cell structure. It's also important not to aggravate your skin by pulling away from it. Whenever you apply product onto your skin, do it with upwards and inwards motions.

Pro-tip: Find products and devices that work o lift the skin up to prevent sagging in the future.

We recommend Aqua Mineral's Extensor Lifting Mask which lifts dirt from pores through the use of Dead Sea mud and minerals to help tighten open pores and lift the skin for a more youthful glow.

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